that benefits both students and teachers
Starting with an AI Math Tutor, we are envisioning a future where quality, affordable, and personalized learning experiences are accessible to all people at any time.
Backed by

AI Math Tutor

Loved by Students
50M+ questions already asked by users from 200+ countries.

Snap & Ask

Our app is live on the
Web, Apple App Store and Google Play

Advanced Model

Our beta model solves math with 20%+ higher accuracy than GPT-4.

Signup here for early access!
Interactive & Progressive Learning
On-Demand interactive tutoring
Our AI offers instant hints to guide you to understand, or socratic questions to inspire your critical thinking.
AI tracks learning progress
Our AI tracks students’ learning progress by knowledge graph profilings. It knows what students are struggling with, and will help them find the best problems to work on.
Learning should be fun and engaging
Motivate students through bit-sized tasks and awards.
Help Teachers, Help Students

AI scales up one-on-one tutoring experiences. No one is left behind.

Help teachers to reduce workload and focus

AI makes homework assessment a breeze for teachers. AI grades homework and guides students to understand their mistakes. By scaling up such one-on-one tutoring experience, AI saves teachers time and effort.

Help teachers to deliver knowledge effectively

When students are stuck on a question, AI will search lecture videos, slides, writeups to hint relevant key concepts, so that students access study materials easily.

No one is left behind

AI summarizes students’ progress to help teachers address individuality. Speed learners grow faster, while others can receive extra care.

Mentoring made personalized
Based on past learning history, our AI profiles students’ intellectual strengths, interests and personalities. Teachers can now focus more on mentoring: guiding students’ career directions and helping them to find themselves.
Future of Education

Embrace new tools towards personalized and accessible learning.

AI is capable of many things effortlessly, while humans need to go through a learning curve for every task. How shall we survive given rapidly changing technology? Learning how to think and adapt is the key. We encourage both students and teachers to embrace AI as a tool to get inspiration and boost productivity.

We believe AI will bring education to the next level. We want to dismantle educational barriers, we are envisioning a future where quality, affordable, and personalized learning experiences are accessible to all people at any time.